About Us
We are a multi-cultural and multi-generational community of people who are united in following Christ, fellowshipping with one another and ‘fishing’ for men. We are passionate about seeing a Spirit-empowered, Christ centred, socially responsible church and campus ministry grow in the Ruimsig area. New Here?Our Vision
We see lives, communities and Society transformed through discipleship In the word, the presence and the power of God
Our Mission
We exist to honour God by establishing Christ-centred, Spirit empowered and socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation.
Our Values
We believe that Jesus is Lord of everything. He is the Word that created the world. He is superior to all others in that He lived a perfectly sinless life and He defeated the devil in all things. He is in charge of heaven and earth and He is the head of the church.
We believe that Christ died for everyone to be saved and the world would be set right. We believe that He has given the church the task of sharing this good news with everyone.
We have been commissioned to make disciples of all nations. The church’s job doesn’t stop with evangelism but extends to establishing biblical foundations in new converts’ lives, equipping them to minister and empowering them to make disciples in turn.
We believe that family is the building block of society. God is a family, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; He uses the blueprint of family to build His kingdom on earth. The church is His family on earth.
We believe that the church is meant to provide spiritual leadership in the nation and that the people that make up the church are meant to lead their environments and the people in their environments to be closer to Christ and to bring His will and way into all of society.
Statement of Faith
Who We Are
Our Team & Leadership
Andrew and Carol Gossman, Senior Pastors of Every Nation Ruimsig, have been in ministry for over 30 years. They have three married children and have planted churches in Johannesburg, Tshwane, and Windhoek, Namibia. They serve on the city-wide leadership of Every Nation Johannesburg with ten congregations around Jozi. Carol serves on the national leadership team of Every Nation Southern Africa.

Andrew and Carol Gossman
Senior Pastors

Samantha Robertson
HR|Pastoral Ministry|Management Team

Zarina Prasadh
Prophetic Ministry|Management Team

Shawn & Gerda Schmidt
Pre-Marriage|Marriage Ministry|Management Team

Chris & Gudrun Hall
Management Team

Sam & Jolly Mokorosi
Worship Ministry|Management Team

Carmen Chituwa
Childrens Ministry|MSA Campus

Hilma Mueller
Discipleship Ministry|Leadership Development

Geralize Wehmeyer
Youth Ministry|Communications Director